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Monstera sp. Ecuador #0854


MONSTERA sp. Ecuador #0854

The number here refers to our accession number. Every plant that comes into our collection receives a number so that we can track where it's from and all other forms of nomenclature. Many times with monstera they have not been properly identified like this one so they continue to have the name we give them.

We have definitely noticed cold damage below 45° leading us to believe it's a lowland Forest species.

Fantastic monstera that makes a stunning house plant. Similar to spruceanum having deeply pinnatifid leaves.  Fast grower. Hardy and easy to grow. Bright 🔆 indirect light. Warm and humid conditions. 

Native to:  Ecuador 

Growers choice of plant. Potted plant pictures are just representations of what you might receive. Shapes, sizes and colors vary as mother nature intended. 



MONSTERA sp. Ecuador